“Journey to the home of the two sunrises”
Trascău Mountains (Apuseni mountain range)
- Village of Rimetea
- Piatra Secuiului (Rock of the Szeklers)
- The Student’s Cave
- Colţeşti Fortress (Optional)
It is said Rimetea is the place where the Sun rises twice. The village lays at the base of ‘Piatra Secuiului’ (Rock of the Szeklers), a gigantic natural rock wall, on top of which you will witness one of the most beautiful sceneries around.
Iron ore used to be mined, from ancient days, out of the hills guarding Rimetea in the west. Nowadays, the natural resource still exploited in these parts is tourism. Thanks to the wonderful landscape the village is visited yearly by thousands of people.
Silent and unchanging, just as a stoic giant, the Rock of the Szeklers (‘Piatra Secuiului’) stands just outside the village of Rimetea, guarding it from the east; this natural fortress wall, 600 meters (2,000 feet) tall, is said to have helped the villagers defended themselves against a Tatar barbarian invasion, in the 1300s. Nowadays, from its peak, spreads a one of the most relaxing, dream-like, unforgettable views you can witness.
Somewhere half-way to the top lies the ‘Students’ Cave’, an interesting grotto, dug by wind and rain into the wall. Just like a giant-sized door, heading to some secret place ‘inside’, this cave has three entrances and a breathtaking view of the two villages: Colţeşti and Rimetea. The Fortress of Colţeşti is also a must-see of the region. It was built in the 1400s, by the Torockai, a noble Transylvanian family. The fortress ruins bear witness to centuries of conflict, and stories of bravery and rebellion. It is one of the best places to witness the double-sunrise.
Recommended group size: 1 to 8 people
Flexibility: The tour is flexible and can be altered on the spot, depending on the group request, weather condition, and your physical training.