50% of the Europe population of bears, lynx and wolves is living in Romania?
In Romania you can find the last virgin forests in Europe? (outside Siberia)
Prince Charles is in love with Romania as he has several properties in Transylvania in rural areas where he is coming regulary?
Hiking is an excellent way to lose weight and improve health?
Some research suggests that the physical benefits of hiking extend far beyond cardiovascular health, and may even go as far as to help cancer patients recover? Click here for more.
In Apuseni mountains there are villages with just 1 inhabitant remaining?
Emil Racovita the romanian biologist, zoologist and speleologist has created in 1920 the first speleological museum in the world after his expeditions in the Apuseni Mountains?
In Rosia Montana village (Apuseni Mountains) is the biggest deposit of gold in Europe?
The Padis area is considered one of the most beautiful karst landscapes in Europe?
The meaning of the word “Transylvania” is the land beyond the forest?
The oldest cave drawings in Central and Eastern Europe were found in Coliboaia cave in the Apuseni Mountains?